Woodstock United Registration
A full year in Woodstock United, the Recreational Program, consists of two seasons: Fall & Spring. One uniform kit is used for both seasons. A kit includes: one jersey, one pair of shorts, and soccer socks. Fall registrants will not be issued a new uniform for Spring. Uniform requests must be submitted prior to the close of registration. Athletes are responsible for cleats, shin guards, and a ball.
During Fall registration, participants are encouraged to register for the full year: both Fall & Spring, and receive a discounted rate for doing so. Participants may also register for Fall Only or Spring Only. Woodstock United offers Winter Indoor Soccer opportunities. Registration for Winter programs are separate from Fall/Spring registration. Separate uniforms are issued for the Winter program.
The number of participants at every level depends on the number of volunteer coaches projected for the season. Registrants are Wait-Listed when spots for participants are full. If more coaches are added, registrants are moved from the Wait-List to Active status. In the event that a coach becomes unavailable, registrants who were last to enter the program, may be refunded for the cost of the season. If you are interested in coaching, email: doc@woodstockunitedsoccer.org
It is important to indicate the participant's available days for practice at the time of registration. Participation in practices consistently throughout the season is imperative to all athletes' development. Placement on teams will depend on the coaches' chosen practice days and participants' availability first.